Comparing Quarters to Other Months

Back for the 5th week of #WorkoutWednesday and Andy has returned for a straightforward challenge. Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 10.38.41 PM

with the following requirements:

  • No LOD
  • No Table Calcs
  • Q2 must always follow Q1 in the final viz

Alright so right off the bat, I can see that I’m gonna need to do some trickery here because while it may look like it’s a date dimension columns it can’t be because of the quarters. So it’s just gotta be a discrete dimension with a dynamic sort.

But those dynamic quarters…

Looking at that the original viz, I can see that its parameter-driven where the user selects a month. That selection is the baseline for the two 3-month groups with the rest of the months separate. The graph is setup with the Months always being in the correct order with Q1 & Q2 next to each other.

So that tells me that I need to trick Tableau into thinking that the user selected month is the first month then setting all the remaining months after that then looping back around. So how do I do that?

Well, I know that the DATEPART() function in tableau assigns an integer (1-12) for each month so I think I should be able to use simple math to manipulate those numbers to create a new sequence. And once get the new sequence the rest of the challenge is grouping and aliasing based on the new sequence.

First up, let’s create a parameter for the user selected month.

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I’m setting it up as an integer parameter to match the datatype of our aforementioned DATEPART() values for each month of order date.

Now before I start creating the visual, I like to build out the calcs in a crosstab so I can see how everything’s working. Also, to make things a lot easier in my calculations, I’m going to create a calculated field for the DATEPART() values. There are two ways that you can go about this; one is the DATEPART() and the other is MONTH(). I tend to stick to the latter if i know I will only need that level of date. DATEPART() is used when I need to dynamically change the level of DATEPART() through a parameter. So my syntax looks like this:

MONTH([Order Date])

In my test/build worksheet, I’m going to also create a calculated field that returns the date name of each month. I’m going to do this so that I can visually check to make sure my parameter is working correctly. That syntax is fairly straightforward:

DATENAME(“month”,[Order Date])

Now that I’ve got my two fields let’s throw them both on rows with my integers first so that it auto sorts ascending. It should look like this.

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Now for the offsetting…I mentioned that the user selected month is the first month. That’s easy to test.

IF [Choose a Month]=[Month] THEN 1 else [Month]+1 END

That would return a view like this

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So the first part is working because May is 1 which is what I want. But now I need to get the rest of the numbers to follow after the 1 in the correct order.

Now because both [Month] and [Choose a Month] are both integers, I could subtract one from the other. Let’s try this

[Month][Choose a Month]

That yields

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Ooh, this looking better. My user selected month is at 0 and the months following are in consecutive order. Except when it comes back around but I think I can manipulate that with an IF statement because there are positive and negative numbers. So I will need to check if it’s less than 0, if so then I need to add 12 to [Month][Choose a Month] otherwise just return [Month][Choose a Month]. So that syntax will look like:

IF ([Month][Choose a month]) < 0
THEN 12 + ([Month][Choose a month])
ELSE ([Month][Choose a month])

That results in

Screen Shot 2018-02-17 at 11.06.58 AM

Perfect! But I think just to keep everything on the up and up and I’m going to add ‘+1’ to end of my previous calc so that the counting starts at 1 as opposed to 0 since that’s easier to comprehend

IF ([Month][Choose a month]) < 0
THEN 12 + ([Month][Choose a month])
ELSE ([Month][Choose a month])
END +1

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Now I’m cooking with gas! I think the hardest part is done. Now I need to group the [Month Offset] into three groups

  • Q1
  • Q2
  • the rest of the months

I’m going to use another IF statement to create the groups. Simple enough. When [Month Offset] is less than or equal to 3, that’s Q1, 4-6 will be Q2 and all others will the month name. Like this

IF [Month Offset]<=3 then “Q1”
ELSEIF [Month Offset]>3
AND [Month Offset]<=6 THEN “Q2”
ELSE [Month Name]

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This will be my x-axis when I build the viz and looking at the original, I can see that Andy formatted the month names to just be the first letters so I’ll edit my calc above to do so.

IF [Month Offset]<=3 then “Q1”
ELSEIF [Month Offset]>3
AND [Month Offset]<=6 THEN “Q2”
ELSE LEFT([Month Name],3)

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I think we’re ready to build a viz now!

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Oh, that pesky sort! Okay, back to the drawing board. So I’ll still you use the [Month Offset] similar to how I used for the grouping. This time I’m going to use it to set integer for the Q1 and Q2 group and simply use the [Month] field for the rest of the field.

IF [Month Offset]<4 then [Choose a month]
elseif [Month Offset]<=6 then [Choose a month]+1
ELSE [Month]

And that looks like…

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There it is!

Okay so now for color, I’ll simply create a set using [Month Label] with Q1 & Q2 included. and then throw that set on color and BOOM, DONE! Click the screenshot for the interactive view

Q1&amp;Q2 vs other Months

I hope you enjoyed reading through my thought. Let me know if you what you thought or if you have any feedback. I intend to keep with this style for the rest of the #WorkoutWednesday challenges.

Until next time!

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