Monthly Archives: November 2023

How to make a unit chart in Tableau

The #WorkoutWednesday challenge from week 45 of 2023 tasks participants with creating a unit chart, a common tool in data visualization, with added filtering, coloration, and sorting features. The challenge encourages using a highlight and sort instead of a filter. The highlighted wines appear at the beginning of the chart, as shown in the accompanying solution video.

How to show nothing when “All” is selected in Tableau

Tableau’s filter capabilities are an essential part of what makes Tableau special. But sometimes we don’t want anything to show when we remove a filter or show all dimensions. So how do you show nothing with “all” is selected in Tableau? This challenge from Emma Whyte back in week 2 of 2017 does just that.

Check out the video for my approach. Scroll down to see my calculations that used for the challenge.

How to make an UpSet Plot in Tableau

UpSet plots are a data visualization method for showing set data with more than three intersecting sets. UpSet shows intersections in a matrix, with the rows of the matrix corresponding to the sets, and the columns to the intersections between these sets (or vice versa). The size of the sets and of the intersections are shown as bar charts. 

In this #WOW challenge, watch me as I build this upset plot in Tableau. 

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